January 20, 2025

Open Source LMS and the future of education

While education experts across Australia grapple with the Covid 19, high school graduates thinking of a career in teaching need to think about what the future of their profession is – because in the future their role will be entirely different. Thanks to Learning management systems for both enterprise and Education.

New open source LMS are showing great promise with more people growing the source code every day. Private companies are also using Business Learning Management Systems to help train there staff.

Education is tipped to change dramatically and take on a very different form. But this change isn’t years into the future, it’s happening right now. Already Universities offer distance education courses that are delivered entirely online, and schools are integrating elearning and LMS materials more and more into their subjects.

Financial technology concept.

What experts are now trying to predict is exactly how this transformation will come to fruition and what form it will take. US futurologist Dr Thomas Frey was recently interviewed by News Ltd and stated that teacherless classrooms are the way of the future.

He points to a fundamental shift in the way we deliver content to students, moving away from the traditional “sage on stage” model with a teacher at the front of class imparting knowledge, to a model where teachers are more like coaches, helping to guide students through the necessary information and learning’s.

He envisions are a classroom “where everybody is learning something different”, and at a different rate, so students are no longer restricted by the speed of their peers. 

New kinds of “rapid learning” programs are being developed all over the world that are designed to cut in half the time students need to spend at school. 

How this will come about is highly dependent on the growth of the elearning industry, and how systems are created and managed by the providers.  “The sheer volume of experimentation that is happening right now, just that volume and calibre of the technologies of improving education and the frequency with which it is coming out is creating this crescendo effect that will break down castle walls,” Dr Frey said.

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